
Human Information Interaction

The Scientific Quarterly journal of the Human-Information Interaction is published by the Department of Information Science and Epistemology of Kharazmi University under the license number 31454/92 of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. This publication has a scientific-research rank from number 1, volume 1 (spring 2013) under the license number 3/18/127893, dated 30/6/2014 (1394/6/30) from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Currently, this publication is released in collaboration with the Scientific Association for the Promotion of Public Libraries of Iran.
· The quarterly journal is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) respecting the rules of ethics in publications, and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and confronting Fraud and cheating in Scientific Works.
Since the spring issue of 1401, the approval of the Irandoc search system is required for all submitted articles. After accepting the article in the editorial board of the quarterly journal and before sending it for judgment, the authors are asked to receive the certificate of proofreading of the article by referring to the proofreading system at tik.irandoc.ac.ir. The policy of this quarterly journal is to accept articles with less than 20% similarity (except for direct quotations) and authors are obliged to correct it after judgment, and between 20 to 30% similarity should be corrected by the authors before sending to the judgement association. Similarity of more than 30% is not accepted by the magazine and the articles will not be sent to the judges. The certificate should be sent to the e-mail of the quarterly journal to the address (hii [at] khu.ac.ir) and the identifier p(9tCc) (note that the Identifier is Case Sensitive).
Collaborator of the publication: Scientific Association for the Promotion of Public Libraries of Iran.
Publication language: Farsi (Abstract and References: English)
Electronic ISSN: 2423-7418
Type of publishable articles: research
Access to the full text of the articles: access is free and open
Average time for judgment: 4 weeks
Average time for taking the first action after submitting an article: 2 days
Average time for sending the article for judgement: 4 days
Article judgement approach: Double blind
Proofreading software: Irandoc system
Acceptance rate of articles in the previous year: 34%
Email address of the publication: hii [at] khu.ac.ir hiijournal [at] gmail.com
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Human Information Interaction

2024، Volume 10، Number 4

Print ISSN: 2423-7418

Online ISSN: 2423-7418

Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Zerehsaz

Editor-in-Chief: Nosrat Riahinia

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 10، Number 4
  • Print ISSN: 2423-7418
  • Online ISSN: 2423-7418
  • Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Zerehsaz
  • Editor-in-Chief: Nosrat Riahinia
  • Publisher: Kharazmi University

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