Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)                   jgs 2021, 21(61): 37-56 | Back to browse issues page

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mavedat E. (2021). Spectrum and distribution optimization the resilience urban using numerical simulation (A case study of Ilam). jgs. 21(61), : 3 doi:10.52547/jgs.21.61.37
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2974-en.html
Assistant Professor, Jundishapur University of Technology Dezful, mavedate@yahoo.comJundishapur University of Technology Dezful , mavedate@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4094 Views)
An earthquake, though a natural phenomenon that can be very destructive, But urban planning and management can play an important role in the damage it poses. Today, risk analysis is one of the basic needs for planning in general and urban planning in particular. From the perspective of many researchers, urban regeneration is one of the most important issues for sustainability. It serves as a way to strengthen communities by using their capacities. From the issue of choice in the city of Ilam, Ilam is located in the Zagros zone. So that the Zagros area has the highest earthquake with magnitude 4 to 4/5 richter has. According to the necessity of this research, a combination of methods (descriptive, exploratory, surveying, and analytical). In terms of the nature of research, it has a developmental-applied approach in line with the overall objective of urban spatial management planning research from the perspective of resilience is a city of Ilam. Based on the VIKOR statistical statistic, Bootstrap and Bootstrap simulation have been used. Visio, Grafer, SPSS, MINITAB and GIS software have been used to complete the research. Results of the findings were based on Bootstrap simulation and based on the 196 cells studied, distributed among 14 urban districts; The minimum residual cell in the city of Ilam has been around 0.07 percent. Therefore, the dispersion and status of the Ilam city variables can not be confirmed at urban confidence level of 95%. Based on the VIKOR model of the 4th region, the least resiliency and the region of 2 is the highest Ilam city resilience. Also, the regression model calculations have shown that the applied model is a good predictor of the urban regression variable. Because the significance of the present study is less than 0.05.
Article number: 3
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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