Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)                   jgs 2018, 18(50): 141-154 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari Saraskanrood S, DolatShahi Z. (2018). Investigating the amounts of solutes and chemical elements found in the sources Drinking water in Khorramabad city. jgs. 18(50), 141-154. doi:10.29252/jgs.18.50.141
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2997-en.html
1- Associate Professor and member of faculty of geomorphology group of Mohaghegh Ardebil University, Ardebil, Iran.
2- Master of Medical Geography, Urmia University, Iran . , zeynab.dolatshahi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6878 Views)
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of wine in Khorramabad city as a major issue in public health and health management of citizens. To perform this research, data on the chemical element of 23 wells and fountains in Khorramabad County during the period of 2002 to 2013 were presented in the form of a series of elements: fluorine (F), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) The ArcGIS software and the algebraic or deterministic internalization methods, geology, IDW method, Kriging method and splint method were used for mapping and drawing maps. To assess the chemical quality of the drinking water element, standards were used: the National Standard, World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Organization (EPA) as an indicator of pollution. The results showed that the amount of calcium (Ca) in all seasons and in all sources is lower than the national standards (WHO) and (EPA) standards, but in some sources higher than the standard desirable standard. The amount of fluorine (F) only in the spring and summer is higher than the standard standard (EPA) in some wells, but in winter and fall in all wells and springs above the standard desirable standard (EPA) is. And the amount of potassium element (K) in any of the seasons and in any of the wells and springs is higher than the desirable and desirable national standard, WHO and EPA, as well as a handful of magnesium (Mg) in none of the water sources studied It has not been higher than the national standard, (WHO) and (EPA).
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Type of Study: Research |

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