1- Urban Planning, PhD Student of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Iran, Urban Planning, PhD Student of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Iran
2- Urban Planning, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Iran, Urban Planning, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Iran , jahanbin@iauk.ac.irr
3- Urban Planning, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies, Urban Planning, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies
Abstract: (6949 Views)
The purpose of this study is to redefine the concept of neighborhood in newly developed urban contexts. Therefore, this research is a qualitative research in terms of purpose and is a qualitative one with Grounded Theory approach. A cross-sectional approach was used to analyze the documentary studies. The statistical population of this study includes experts and university professors in urban planning and sociology. The method of data collection is documentary study, views, definitions and in-depth and open interviews. In this study, 22 people were interviewed. NVivo software was used to analyze the qualitative data and coding and to evaluate the frequency of codes extracted from the interviews. The findings of this study indicated that redefining the concept of neighborhood in developed contexts can be explored through conceptual modeling. In this conceptual model the four most important dimensions are objective (physical-functional), subjective (perceptual), economic, and socio-institutional dimensions to redefine the concept of neighborhood in new urban contexts. It also interconnects the seven core codes of “diversity and quality of urban services”, “neighborhood edge and boundary”, “safety and security”, “livelihood and economic position of the neighborhood”, “social status”, “social solidarity”, and “sense of belonging and the correlation with the location” with three selective codes “continuity and functional-spatial cohesion”, “socio-economic mobility”, and “socio-institutional cohesion, and dependency”, a new definition of the neighborhood can be found which is presented at the end of this article with the conceptual model.