Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)                   jgs 2024, 24(72): 401-426 | Back to browse issues page

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Sheikh Ghaderi H, ‪aminpour A, Ziaeian Firoozabadi P. (2024). Evaluation of the performance of Satellite photographs Corona , Hexagon and Aster images in preparing the map of the boundary and coastline of zaribar Lake and extracting the amount of changes in the lake surface. jgs. 24(72), : 22 doi:10.52547/jgs.24.72.401
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4001-en.html
1- Masters student of gis and remote sensing, kharazmi University, kharazmi University
2- ms student of gis and remote sensing , kharazmi University, kharazmi University , aminpour.abdulsalam@gmail.com‬‬‬‬
3- Associate Professor of gis and remote sensing, kharazmi University, kharazmi University
Abstract:   (6567 Views)
Corona and Hexagon satellite photographs with a spatial resolution of 1.8 to 9 meters are a good source for monitoring and evaluating changes in surface phenomena. The purpose of this study is to monitor the changes in Zaribar Lake in the period 1969-2019 using the data of Corona, Hexagon and Aster satellites and their ability to monitor and extract the coastline, lake boundary and water surface. In this study, to geometric correction the corona and hexagon data from Google Earth images, linear extraction algorithms, binary mask and mean shift segmentation were used to extract the coastline and lake boundary, detect lake changes and extract and monitor the water area of ​​Zaribar Lake. The results showed that in the first step: geometric correction of corona and hexagon images was obtained using Google Earth images with RMSE of 0.3 and 0.4 pixels. In the second stage, the linear extraction algorithm for extracting the lake boundary and coastline using corona and hexagon photographs has high accuracy and has a high correlation with the topographic map of 1.50000. In the third step, the unsupervised classification of binary mask method, in order to detect lake changes using corona and hexagon photographs, acceptablely identified the altered and unchanged pixels, so that 11 hectares of lake surface had the most changes. Finally, in the fourth step, it was found that the mean shift segmentation algorithm and threshold worked better by applying the corona, hexagon, and Aster events to extract the water surface, and in the meantime, the corona image performed better due to its higher resolution. The above results showed that Zaribar Lake decreased by 6.5% from 1969 to 2019 and the findings have a high correlation with the product of the ester aquifer. In general, the findings of this study show the potential of using digital image processing methods for corona and hexagon data to monitor and detect changes in lakes. 
Article number: 22
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