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1- M. A in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
2- Associatae Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran , aghaeizadeh@guilan.ac.ir
3- Associatae Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (961 Views)
“Today, in many developing countries, Simultaneously with the rapid growth of urban areas beside of the population growth, countless issues and problems has been created, which sometimes led to the structural and functional deterioration of urban fabrics, and sustainable urban development has been proposed as a solution to such problems in cities. Transportation-oriented development, as an approaches of smart urban development focusing on transportation systems and the centrality of pedestrians in stations, can be an appropriate solutions in the urban system to deal with the issues and problems that are bothering most of the deteriorated areas of big cities, including Tehran. In this research, Safa neighborhood as one of the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolis, which is located in deteriorated fabrics of this city has been studied in order to its shortcomings and strengths to achieve a favorable approach to organizing the fabricdue to its place near public transportation stations. Transportation-oriented development, as an approaches of smart urban development focusing on transportation systems and the centrality of pedestrians in stations, can be an appropriate solutions in the urban system to deal with the issues and problems that are bothering most of the deteriorated areas of big cities, including Tehran. In this research, Safa neighborhood as one of the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolis, which is located in deteriorated fabrics of this city has been studied in order to its shortcomings and strengths to achieve a favorable approach to organizing the fabricdue to its place near public transportation stations. in order to investigate its shortcomings and strengths. Also with a practical purpose and a descriptive-analytical nature, through field investigations and quantitative findings obtained from the statistical blocks of 2016 Iranian statistics, the findings were analyzed by GIS software and spatial statistics analysis models. The results show that this area has good potential for the implementation of the plan base on TOD and in the meantime, the 17 Shahrivar station has the most compliance with this approach according to the five investigated indicators.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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