Volume 8, Issue 19 (4-2021)                   2021, 8(19): 7-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Taslimi A, Amirinia F, Mashhadi Karimi Z. Investigating the Meaning of “The Other” in Sartre’s Play No Exit and Modarresi’s Novel Yakolia va Tanhaei Ou with respect to Sartre’s Existentialism. Journal title 2021; 8 (19) :7-28
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1909-en.html
1- Guilan University , taslimy1340@yahoo.com
2- Guilan University
Abstract:   (3388 Views)
Philosophical studies show that against existence for oneself, there is another being called existence for “the other”, i.e. as we think about ourselves, we find in our being another existence that depends on our existence. This paper seeks to answer the following question: what is the meaning of “the other” regarding the existentialism in Sartre’s play No Exit and Modarresi’s novel Yakolia va Tanhaei Ou? Considering the above question, the authors’ hypothesis is that the concept of “the other” in the two mentioned works means existence for the other, i.e. existence dependent on the other, which is the determining and guiding factor of individual behavior in the society. To test the research hypothesis, data was collected from a corpus of philosophical and literary works using the library method and was analyzed by the descriptive-analytical method. It followed that the authors’ hypothesis was confirmed and the meaning of “the other” was accordingly explained in existentialism.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: نقد ادبی

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48. Heidegger, Martin (2006) Existence and time, trans by Siāvoush Zamāni, Tehran: Qoqnoos.
49. Johnson, Paul (1997) Intellectuals, trans by Jamshid Shirāzi. Tehran: Forouzān.
50. Keen, Sam (1995) Gabriel Marcel. Trans by Moustafā Malekiān. Tehran: Garoos.
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52. Khatāt, Nasrin Dokht and Isa Amankhāni (2007) “Adabiyāt va falsafe-ye vojoudi (Existentialism)”. Pazhohesh-e zabān-haye khāreji. No 45:47-64.
53. Lavine.T.Z. (2006) From Socrates to Sartre: philosophy for all. Trans by Parviz Babaei. Tehran: Negāh.
54. Matthews, Eric (1999) French philosophy in twenthieth century. Trans by Mohsen Hakimi.Tehran. Qoqnoos.
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56. Modarresi, Taghi (1970) Yakolia va tanhāee-e ou. Tehran: Nil.
57. Mesbāh Yazdi, Mohammad Taghi (1993) Âmouzesh-e falsafe. V1. Tehran: Sāzmān-e Tablighāt-e Islāmi: sherkat-e chāp va nashr-e beinolmelal.
58. Macquarrie, John (1997) Philosophy of Existentialism. Trans by Saeid Hannaei Kashani. Tehran: Hermes.
59. Mir Sadeghi (Zoualghadr) Meymanat (1997) Romān-hāye Moāser-e farsi. Tehran: Niloufar.
60. Mir Abedini, Hassan (2003) Sad sāl dāstān-nevisi. V1&2. Tehran: Cheshmeh.
61. Naghibzade Jalali, Mir Abdoual Hossein (2011) Darāmadi bar falsafe. Tehran: Tahoori.
62. Sartre Jean Paul, Albert Camus, Gorky lukach (1977) Literature and tought (collection of articles). Trans by Moustafā Rahimi. Tehran: Ketāb Zamān.
63. Sartre, Jean Paul (1997) Existentialism and originality of human. Trans by Moustafā Rahimi. Tehran: Niloufar.
64. Sartre, Jean Paul (1998) No Exit (one-act play). Trans by Nāser Ghiāsi. Tehran: unknown pub.
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68. Sepānlou, Mohammad Ali (1990) Nevisandegān-e pishrou-e Iran. Tehran: Agah.
69. Saffār Heydari, Hojjat (2000) “Ensān, Âzādi va tarbiyat dar falsafe-ye hasti”. Pazhouheshnāme-ye ouloum-e ensāni va ejtemāee. 2th year, No 6,7: 255-281.
70. Seyyd Hosseini, Rezā (2003) Maktab-hāy-e adabi. Tehran: Negāh.
71. Teichman, Jenny (2005) An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy, Trans by Nāhid Ahmadiyān. Ābādān: Porsesh.
72. Taslimi, Ali (2002) Gozārehāyee dar adabiyāt-e moāser-e Iran (dāstān): Pishā-Modern, Modern, Post Modern. Tehran: Akhtarān.
73. Warburton, Nigel (2000) Classics of philosophy. Trans by Masoud Ouliā.Tehran: Qoqnoos.
74. Verneaux, Roger, Jean wall (1993) A look at phenomenology and the philosophies of existentialism, trans by Yahyā Mahdavi. Tehran: Khārazmi.
75. Younesi, Moustafā, Ali Tadayon Rād (2008) “Siyāsat va Existentialism: barresi-ye roykard-e Hannah Arent be mafhoum-e amal”. Pazhouhesh-e siyāsat-e nazari. No 6: 95-125.
76. Brown, Sruart (2001) One hundred twentieth century philosophers, trans by Abdoulreza Sālār Behzādi. Tehran: Qoqnoos.
77. Biemel, Walter (2000) Martin Heidegger's enlightening review. trans by Bijan Abdoulkarimi. Tehran: Soroush.
78. Copleston, Frederick (2007) Historuy of philosophy. Trans by Abd-Al Hossein Āzarang and Seyed Mahmoud Yousefsāni. V9. Tehran: Elmi va Farhangi.
79. Cahoone, Lawrence (2001) From modernism to postmodernism. Trans by a Goroup of translators. Tehran: Ney.
80. Dād, Simā (1999) Farhang-e estelahāt-e adabi. Tehran: Morvārid.
81. Demheri, Farangis, Mahnāz Mehrābi Zadeh_ye Honarmand and Amir Hossein Yāvari (2009) “Barresi-ye afsordegi va vasvās be onvān-e pishāyande ehsās-e gonāh va ezterāb dar dāneshjouyān-e dokhtar”. Zan va farhang. 2th year. No 6: 25-36.
82. Ferast.S.A. (2003) Basic Lessons of important philosophers. Trans by Manouchehr Shādān. Tehran: Behjat.
83. Gerāmi, Gholām Hossein (2008) “Barresi va naghd-e didgāh-e Sartre darbāre-ye māhiyat-e ensān”. Andishe-ye no-e dini. 5th year. No 16: 79-108.
84. Heidegger, Martin (2006) Existence and time, trans by Siāvoush Zamāni, Tehran: Qoqnoos.
85. Johnson, Paul (1997) Intellectuals, trans by Jamshid Shirāzi. Tehran: Forouzān.
86. Keen, Sam (1995) Gabriel Marcel. Trans by Moustafā Malekiān. Tehran: Garoos.
87. Khātami, Mahmoud (2003) Jahān dar andishe_ye Heideyger. Tehran: dānesh va andishe-ye moāser.
88. Khatāt, Nasrin Dokht and Isa Amankhāni (2007) “Adabiyāt va falsafe-ye vojoudi (Existentialism)”. Pazhohesh-e zabān-haye khāreji. No 45:47-64.
89. Lavine.T.Z. (2006) From Socrates to Sartre: philosophy for all. Trans by Parviz Babaei. Tehran: Negāh.
90. Matthews, Eric (1999) French philosophy in twenthieth century. Trans by Mohsen Hakimi.Tehran. Qoqnoos.
91. Marcel, Gabriel (2000) Philosophy of existentialism. Trans by Shalā Eslāmi.Tehran: Negāh Moāser.
92. Modarresi, Taghi (1970) Yakolia va tanhāee-e ou. Tehran: Nil.
93. Mesbāh Yazdi, Mohammad Taghi (1993) Âmouzesh-e falsafe. V1. Tehran: Sāzmān-e Tablighāt-e Islāmi: sherkat-e chāp va nashr-e beinolmelal.
94. Macquarrie, John (1997) Philosophy of Existentialism. Trans by Saeid Hannaei Kashani. Tehran: Hermes.
95. Mir Sadeghi (Zoualghadr) Meymanat (1997) Romān-hāye Moāser-e farsi. Tehran: Niloufar.
96. Mir Abedini, Hassan (2003) Sad sāl dāstān-nevisi. V1&2. Tehran: Cheshmeh.
97. Naghibzade Jalali, Mir Abdoual Hossein (2011) Darāmadi bar falsafe. Tehran: Tahoori.
98. Sartre Jean Paul, Albert Camus, Gorky lukach (1977) Literature and tought (collection of articles). Trans by Moustafā Rahimi. Tehran: Ketāb Zamān.
99. Sartre, Jean Paul (1997) Existentialism and originality of human. Trans by Moustafā Rahimi. Tehran: Niloufar.
100. Sartre, Jean Paul (1998) No Exit (one-act play). Trans by Nāser Ghiāsi. Tehran: unknown pub.
101. Sartre, Jean Paul (2003) No Exit. Trans by Saeid Ajam Hassani. Tehran: Morgh-e Âmin.
102. Sartre, Jean Paul (2009) What is literature? Trans by Abolhasan Najafi and Moustafā Rahimi.Tehran: Niloufar.
103. Sartre, Jean Paul (2010) Being and Nothingness. Trans by Enāyāt Allāh SHakibā. Tehran: Donyā-ye Ketāb.
104. Sepānlou, Mohammad Ali (1990) Nevisandegān-e pishrou-e Iran. Tehran: Agah.
105. Saffār Heydari, Hojjat (2000) “Ensān, Âzādi va tarbiyat dar falsafe-ye hasti”. Pazhouheshnāme-ye ouloum-e ensāni va ejtemāee. 2th year, No 6,7: 255-281.
106. Seyyd Hosseini, Rezā (2003) Maktab-hāy-e adabi. Tehran: Negāh.
107. Teichman, Jenny (2005) An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy, Trans by Nāhid Ahmadiyān. Ābādān: Porsesh.
108. Taslimi, Ali (2002) Gozārehāyee dar adabiyāt-e moāser-e Iran (dāstān): Pishā-Modern, Modern, Post Modern. Tehran: Akhtarān.
109. Warburton, Nigel (2000) Classics of philosophy. Trans by Masoud Ouliā.Tehran: Qoqnoos.
110. Verneaux, Roger, Jean wall (1993) A look at phenomenology and the philosophies of existentialism, trans by Yahyā Mahdavi. Tehran: Khārazmi.
111. Younesi, Moustafā, Ali Tadayon Rād (2008) “Siyāsat va Existentialism: barresi-ye roykard-e Hannah Arent be mafhoum-e amal”. Pazhouhesh-e siyāsat-e nazari. No 6: 95-125.

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