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:: Volume 30, Issue 92 (5-2022) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2022, 30(92): 225-249 Back to browse issues page
A Mythological Criticism of Manaqib al-Arefi Based on the Theory of Mircea Eliade
Soraya Karimi1 , Ramin Moharrami * 2, Mahin Panahi3
1- Mohaghegh Ardabili University
2- Mohaghegh Ardabili University , moharami@uma.ac.ir
3- Al-Zahra University
Abstract:   (4069 Views)
Manaqib al-Arefin, authored by Shams al-Din Ahmad Aflaki, describes the life of Mawlawi family and the elders of Mawlawiyya Order. In this book, Aflaki portrayed mythological and surreal characters of the predecessors and contemporaries. Many mystical issues of Manaqib al-Arefin are consistent with mythological concepts; and mythological beliefs play a role in the formation of the contents of this mystical biography. This research has raised the question of which components of mystical themes of Manaqib al-Arefin are proportional to the mythological themes of Eliade. In this paper, Manaqib al-Arefin has been analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method and a mythological approach based on Eliade’s perspective to explain the extent of conformity between mysticism and myth. The results show that in this work, the hero has already been designated as a savior according to the archetypes. In Mawlawi’s life cycle, one can clearly see the stages of purification, renewal of life and manifestation; he performs the ritual of holy washing before entering his subconscious domain and prepares himself to join the assembly of holiness, and on his inner journey, he transcends the human requirements and attains the witnessing of God Exalted, the angels, prophets, and spirits. Moreover, in Manaqib al-Arefin, the roof of school and the bath pool are exemplary types of the center of the world where the earthly world and spiritual world join.

Keywords: Mawlawi, Manaqib al-Arefin, Aflaki, Mircea Eliade, Mythological Criticism
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Karimi S, Moharrami R, Panahi M. A Mythological Criticism of Manaqib al-Arefi Based on the Theory of Mircea Eliade. Persian Language and Literature 2022; 30 (92) :225-249
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4186-en.html

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