Journal of Research in Psychological Health

Journal of Research in Psychological Health (JRPH) is a peer review scientific Journal published by Kharazmi university. The aim of the Journal is to publish articles in persian language with English abstracts of high scientific quality related to those domains which are presently of interest to Mental health and health psychology including: psychological aspects of chronic disease, mental health, stress & coping, health and cultur and psychological intervention for individuals with chronic mental and physical disease.  This journal indexed in: 

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Title Journal of Research in Psychological Health
ISSN 2008-0166
Journal Disciplines Mental health and health psychology
Language Persian Full-text/ English Abstract & Bibliography
Start Year spring, 2008
Frequency Quarterly
Type of Material Serial (Periodical)
Owner Organization Kharazmi university
Refereed Double-blind Peer Review
Type of Access Open Access (OA)
Full text available formt PDF
Article Processing Charges Free of charge
Document Identifier Type DOI
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Journal title

2024، Volume 18، Number 1

Print ISSN: 2008-0166

Online ISSN: E۹۶۰-۹۸۴۴



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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 18، Number 1
  • Print ISSN: 2008-0166
  • Online ISSN: E۹۶۰-۹۸۴۴
  • Director-in-Charge:
  • Editor-in-Chief:
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