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Showing 67 results for Type of Study: مقاله پژوهشی
Wenqing Wu, Yinghui Tang, Miaomiao Yu, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
This paper studies an M/G/1 repairable queueing system with multiple vacations and N-policy, in which the service station is subject to occasional random breakdowns. When the service station breaks down, it is repaired by a repair facility. Moreover, the repair facility may fail during the repair period of the service station. The failed repair facility resumes repair after completion of its replacement. Under these assumptions, applying a simple method, the probability that the service station is broken, the rate of occurrence of breakdowns of the service station, the probability that the repair facility is being replaced and the rate of occurrence of failures of the repair facility along with other performance measures are obtained. Following the construction of the long-run expected cost function per unit time, the direct search method is implemented for determining the optimum threshold N* that minimises the cost function.
Rakesh Prakash Tripathi, Dinesh Singh, Tushita Mishra, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
In paper (2004) Chang studied an inventory model under a situation in which the supplier provides the purchaser with a permissible delay of payments if the purchaser orders a large quantity. Tripathi (2011) also studied an inventory model with time dependent demand rate under which the supplier provides the purchaser with a permissible delay in payments. This paper is motivated by Chang (2004) and Tripathi (2011) paper extending their model for exponential time dependent demand rate. This study develops an inventory model under which the vendor provides the purchaser with a credit period; if the purchaser orders large quantity. In this chapter, demand rate is taken as exponential time dependent. Shortages are not allowed and effect of the inflation rate has been discussed. We establish an inventory model for deteriorating items if the order quantity is greater than or equal to a predetermined quantity. We then obtain optimal solution for finding optimal order quantity, optimal cycle time and optimal total relevant cost. Numerical examples are given for all different cases. Sensitivity of the variation of different parameters on the optimal solution is also discussed. Mathematica 7 software is used for finding numerical examples.
Shima Teimoori, Hasan Khademi Zare, Mohammad Saber Fallah Nezhad, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
The location-routing problem is a relatively new branch of logistics system. Its objective is to determine a suitable location for constructing distribution warehouses and proper transportation routing from warehouse to the customer. In this study, the location-routing problem is investigated with considering fuzzy servicing time window for each customer. Another important issue in this regard is the existence of congested times during the service time and distributing goods to the customer. This caused a delay in providing service for customer and imposed additional costs to distribution system. Thus we have provided a mathematical model for designing optimal distributing system. Since the vehicle location-routing problem is Np-hard, thus a solution method using genetic meta-heuristic algorithm was developed and the optimal sequence of servicing for the vehicle and optimal location for the warehouses were determined through an example.
Bahman Naderi, Vahid Roshanaei, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
In some industries as foundries, it is not technically feasible to interrupt a processor between jobs. This restriction gives rise to a scheduling problem called no-idle scheduling. This paper deals with scheduling of no-idle open shops to minimize maximum completion time of jobs, called makespan. The problem is first mathematically formulated by three different mixed integer linear programming models. Since open shop scheduling problems are NP-hard, only small instances can be solved to optimality using these models. Thus, to solve large instances, two meta-heuristics based on simulated annealing and genetic algorithms are developed. A complete numerical experiment is conducted and the developed models and algorithms are compared. The results show that genetic algorithm outperforms simulated annealing.
Sirma Zeynep Alparslan Gok, Osman Palanci, Mehmet Onur Olgun, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
The Shapley value, one of the most common solution concepts of cooperative game theory is defined and axiomatically characterized in different game-theoretic models. Certainly, the Shapley value can be used in interesting sharing cost/reward problems in the Operations Research area such as connection, routing, scheduling, production and inventory situations. In this paper, we focus on the Shapley value for cooperative games, where the set of players is finite and the coalition values are interval grey numbers. The central question in this paper is how to characterize the grey Shapley value. In this context, we present two alternative axiomatic characterizations. First, we characterize the grey Shapley value using the properties of efficiency, symmetry and strong monotonicity. Second, we characterize the grey Shapley value by using the grey dividends.
Mitra Darvish, Mehdi Seifabrghy, Mohammad Ali Saniei Monfared, Fatemeh Akbari, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
This paper explains a model for analyzing and measuring the propagation of order amplifications (i.e. bullwhip effect) for a single-product supply network topology considering exogenous uncertainty and linear and time-invariant inventory management policies for network entities. The stream of orders placed by each entity of the network is characterized assuming customer demand is ergodic. In fact, we propose an exact formula in order to measure the bullwhip effect in the addressed supply network topology considering the system in Markovian chain framework and presenting a matrix of network member relationships and relevant order sequences. The formula turns out using a mathematical method called frequency domain analysis. The major contribution of this paper is analyzing the bullwhip effect considering exogenous uncertainty in supply networks and using the Fourier transform in order to simplify the relevant calculations. We present a number of numerical examples to assess the analytical results accuracy in quantifying the bullwhip effect.
Igor Barahona, Judith Cavazos, Jian-Bo Yang, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
In the future, competitive advantages will be given to organisations that can extract valuable information from massive data and make better decisions. In most cases, this data comes from multiple sources. Therefore, the challenge is to aggregate them into a common framework in order to make them meaningful and useful.This paper will first review the most important multi-criteria decision analysis methods (MCDA) existing in current literature. We will offer a novel, practical and consistent methodology based on a type of MCDA, to aggregate data from two different sources into a common framework. Two datasets that are different in nature but related to the same topic are aggregated to a common scale by implementing a set of transformation rules. This allows us to generate appropriate evidence for assessing and finally prioritising the level of adoption of analytical tools in four types of companies.A numerical example is provided to clarify the form for implementing this methodology. A six-step process is offered as a guideline to assist engineers, researchers or practitioners interested in replicating this methodology in any situation where there is a need to aggregate and transform multiple source data.
Liangping Wu, Jian Zhang, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
Three combination methods commonly used in tourism forecasting are the simple average method, the variance-covariance method and the discounted MSFE method. These methods assign the different weights that can not change at each time point to each individual forecasting model. In this study, we introduce the IOWGA operator combination method which can overcome the defect of previous three combination methods into tourism forecasting. Moreover, we further investigate the performance of the four combination methods through the theoretical evaluation and the forecasting evaluation. The results of the theoretical evaluation show that the IOWGA operator combination method obtains extremely well performance and outperforms the other forecast combination methods. Furthermore, the IOWGA operator combination method can be of well forecast performance and performs almost the same to the variance-covariance combination method for the forecasting evaluation. The IOWGA operator combination method mainly reflects the maximization of improving forecasting accuracy and the variance-covariance combination method mainly reflects the decrease of the forecast error. For future research, it may be worthwhile introducing and examining other new combination methods that may improve forecasting accuracy or employing other techniques to control the time for updating the weights in combined forecasts.
M Vijayashree, R Uthayakumar, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
In this paper, the study deals with the lead time and setup reduction problem in the vendor-purchaser integrated inventory model. The cost of capital (i.e., opportunity cost) is one of the key factors in making the inventory and investment decisions. Lead time is an important element in any inventory system. The proposed model is presents an integrated inventory model with controllable lead time with setup cost reduction for defective and non defective items under investment for quality improvement. In this analysis, the proposed model, we assumed that the setup cost and process quality is logarithmic function. Setup cost reduction for defective and non defective items, is the main focus for the proposed model. The objective of the proposed model is to minimize the total cost of both the vendor-purchaser. The mathematical model is derived to investigate the effects to the optimal decisions when investment strategies in setup cost reductions are adopted. This paper attempts to determine optimal order quantity, lead time, process quality and setup cost reduction for production system such that the total cost is minimized. A solution procedure is developed to find the optimal solution and numerical examples are presented to illustrate the results of the proposed models.
Rakesh Prakash Tripathi, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
This paper presents an inventory model for deteriorating items in which shortages are allowed. It is assumed that the production rate is proportional to the demand rate and greater than demand rate. The inventory model is developed by considering four different circumstances. The optimal of the problem is obtained with the help of Mathematica 7 software. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the model for different parameters. Sensitivity analysis of the model has been developed to examine the effect of changes in the values of the different parameters for optimal inventory policy. Truncated Taylor’s series is used for finding closed form optimal solution.
Habibollah Mohamadi, Ahmad Sadeghi, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
Recently, much attention has been given to Stochastic demand due to uncertainty in the real -world. In the literature, decision-making models and suppliers\' selection do not often consider inventory management as part of shopping problems. On the other hand, the environmental sustainability of a supply chain depends on the shopping strategy of the supply chain members. The supplier selection plays an important role in the green chain. In this paper, a multi-objective nonlinear integer programming model for selecting a set of supplier considering Stochastic demand is proposed. while the cost of purchasing include the total cost, holding and stock out costs, rejected units, units have been delivered sooner, and total green house gas emissions are minimized, while the obtained total score from the supplier assessment process is maximized. It is assumed, the purchaser provides the different products from the number predetermined supplier to a with Stochastic demand and the uniform probability distribution function. The product price depends on the order quantity for each product line is intended. Multi-objective models using known methods, such as Lp-metric has become an objective function and then uses genetic algorithms and simulated annealing meta-heuristic is solved.
Mehdi Alinaghian, Seyed Reza Hejazi, Noushin Bajoul, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
In the field of health losses resulting from failure to establish the facilities in a suitable location and the required number, beyond the cost and quality of service will result in an increase in mortality and the spread of diseases. So the facility location models have special importance in this area. In this paper, a successively inclusive hierarchical model for location of health centers in term of the transfer of patients from a lower level to a higher level of health centers has been developed. Since determination the exact number of demand for health care in the future is difficult and in order to make the model close to the real conditions of demand uncertainty, a fuzzy programming model based on credibility theory is considered. To evaluate the proposed model, several numerical examples are solved in small size. In order to solve large scale problems, a meta-heuristic algorithm based on harmony search algorithm was developed in conjunction with the GAMS software which indicants the performance of the proposed algorithm.
M. Palanivel, S Priyan, R Uthayakumar, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
This study considers an EOQ inventory model with advance payment policy in a fuzzy situation by employing two types of fuzzy numbers that are trapezoidal and triangular. Two fuzzy models are developed here. In the first model the cost parameters are fuzzified, but the demand rate is treated as crisp constant. In the second model, the demand rate is fuzzified but the cost parameters are treated as crisp constants. For each fuzzy model, we use signed distance method to defuzzify the fuzzy total cost and obtain an estimate of the total cost in the fuzzy sense. Numerical example is provided to ascertain the sensitiveness in the decision variables about fuzziness in the components. In practical situations, costs may be dependent on some foreign monetary unit. In such a case, due to a change in the exchange rates, the costs are often not known precisely. The first model can be used in this situation. In actual applications, demand is uncertain and must be predicted. Accordingly, the decision maker faces a fuzzy environment rather than a stochastic one in these cases. The second model can be used in this situation. Moreover, the proposed models can be expended for imperfect production process.
Mustapha Oudani, Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui, Jaouad Boukachour, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
The exponential growth of the flow of goods and passengers, fragility of certain products and the need for the optimization of transport costs impose on carriers to use more and more multimodal transport. In addition, the need for intermodal transport policy has been strongly driven by environmental concerns and to benefit from the combination of different modes of transport to cope with the increased economic competition. This research is mainly concerned with the Intermodal Terminal Location Problem introduced recently in scientific literature which consists to determine a set of potential sites to open and how to route requests to a set of customers through the network while minimizing the total cost of transportation. We begin by presenting a description of the problem. Then, we present a mathematical formulation of the problem and discuss the sense of its constraints. The objective function to minimize is the sum of road costs and railroad combined transportation costs. As the Intermodal Terminal Location Problemproblem is NP-hard, we propose an efficient real coded genetic algorithm for solving the problem. Our solutions are compared to CPLEX and also to the heuristics reported in the literature. Numerical results show that our approach outperforms the other approaches.
Tahereh Poorbagheri, Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
In this study, a vendor-managed inventory model is developed for a single-vendor multiple-retailer single-warehouse (SV-MR-SV) supply chain problem based on the economic order quantity in which demands are stochastic and follow a uniform probability distribution. In order to reduce holding costs and to help balanced on-hand inventory cost between the vendor and the retailers, it is assumed that all inventory is held at a central warehouse with the lowest cost among the parties. The capacity of the central warehouse is limited. The objective is to find the warehouse replenishment frequency, the vendor\'s replenishment frequency, the order points, and the order quantities of the retailers such that the total inventory cost of the integrated supply chain is minimized. The proposed model is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP); hence, a genetic algorithm (GA) is utilized to solve this NP-hard problem. The parameters of the GA are calibrated using the Taguchi method to find better solutions. Some numerical illustrations are solved at the end to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology and to evaluate the performance of the solution method.
Shun-Hsing Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
The study addresses Performance Control Matrix (PCM) to determine service quality items of priority for improvement. Most businesses focus on customer satisfaction when undertaking surveys of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, while generally neglecting employee satisfaction. Therefore, this study develops an integrated model to improve service quality in Taiwanese finance industry employees. A questionnaire is designed to determine the priority of improvement objectives derived from certain questionnaire items that fall into the improvement zone of the PCM. Ten items are found to fall into the improvement zone of the PCM. The present results show that the finance industry employees surveyed in Taiwan were dissatisfied with their job security, salaries, annual bonus, and fair distribution of operational profits. The ten improvement items mostly belong to two dimensions - ‘Pay and Benefits’ and ‘Motivation’. The managers of the financial institutions should seek to improve these quality attributes by devoting more resources to these items, thus promoting employee satisfaction.
Azza Lajjam, Mohamed El Merouani, Yassine Tabaa, Abdellatif Medouri, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
Due to the considerable growth in the worldwide container transportation, optimization of container terminal operations is becoming highly needed to rationalize the use of logistics resources. For this reason, we focus our study on the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP), which is a core task of managing maritime container terminals. From this planning problem arise two decisions to be made: The first one concerns tasks assignment to quay crane and the second one consists of finding the handling sequence of tasks such that the turnaround time of cargo vessels is minimized. In this paper, we provide a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model that takes into account non-crossing constraints, safety margin constraints and precedence constraints. The QCSP has been shown NP-complete, thus, we used the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), a probabilistic technique inspired from ants’ behaviour, to find a feasible solution of such problem. The results obtained from the computational experiments indicate that the proposed method is able to produce good results while reducing the computational time.
Mehdi Abbasi, Mohamad Amin Kaviani, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
In competitive markets, the operations strategies of companies are normally formulated based on their competitive advantages. An effective operations strategy should maintain and improve competitive advantages based on the capabilities of the corporate operations resources. Considering the market requirements and the operational performance of the rivals is the key for success and survival of a company in the competition. Therefore, recognizing where a company stands in comparison with its rivals and adopting the appropriate operations strategy plays vital roles in the success of companies. This paper proposes a method for comparing and ranking operations strategies of companies based on the concept of efficient frontier using data envelopment analysis (DEA) in grey environment. In the aforementioned method, DEA is used to evaluate the efficiency of operations strategies of manufacturing firms. Also, grey theory is used to support the uncertainty of the experts’ opinions regarding the inputs and outputs of the DEA model. Then the respective units are ranked, and analyses are performed. The proposed approach is applied for the entire nine cement factories of Fars Province in Iran, and the units are ranked, respective analyses are presented regarding the efficient and inefficient units.
Juanjuan Qin, Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2015)
This paper investigates an EPQ model with the increasing demand and demand dependent production rate involving the trade credit financing policy, which is seldom reported in the literatures. The model considers the manufacturer was offered by the supplier a delayed payment time. It is assumed that the demand is a linear increasing function of the time and the production rate is proportional to the demand. That is, the production rate is also a linear function of time. This study attempts to offer a best policy for the replenishment cycle and the order quantity for the manufacturer to maximum its profit per cycle. First, the inventory model is developed under the above situation. Second, some useful theoretical results have been derived to characterize the optimal solutions for the inventory system. The Algorithm is proposed to obtain the optimal solutions of the manufacturer. Finally, the numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the theorems, and the sensitivity analysis of the optimal solutions with respect to the parameters of the inventory system is performed. Some important management insights are obtained based on the analysis.
Muhammad Nazam, Jiuping Xu, Zhimiao Tao, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Hashim, Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2015)
In the emerging supply chain environment, green supply chain risk management plays a significant role than ever. Risk is an inherent uncertainty and has tendency to disrupt the typical green supply chain management (GSCM) operations and eventually reduce the success rate of industries. In order to mitigate the consequences, a fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making modeling (FMCGDM) which could evaluate the potential risks in the context of (GSCM) is needed from the industrial point of view. Therefore, this research proposes a combined fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to calculate the weight of each risk criterion and sub-criterion and technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methodology to rank and assess the risks associated with implementation of (GSCM) practices under the fuzzy environment. The proposed fuzzy risk-oriented evaluation model is applied to a practical case of textile manufacturing industry. Finally, the proposed model helps the researchers and practitioners to understand the importance of conducting appropriate risk assessment when implementing green supply chain initiatives.