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Showing 10 results for Genetic Algorithm
Bahman Naderi, Vahid Roshanaei, Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2014)
In some industries as foundries, it is not technically feasible to interrupt a processor between jobs. This restriction gives rise to a scheduling problem called no-idle scheduling. This paper deals with scheduling of no-idle open shops to minimize maximum completion time of jobs, called makespan. The problem is first mathematically formulated by three different mixed integer linear programming models. Since open shop scheduling problems are NP-hard, only small instances can be solved to optimality using these models. Thus, to solve large instances, two meta-heuristics based on simulated annealing and genetic algorithms are developed. A complete numerical experiment is conducted and the developed models and algorithms are compared. The results show that genetic algorithm outperforms simulated annealing.
Habibollah Mohamadi, Ahmad Sadeghi, Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2014)
Recently, much attention has been given to Stochastic demand due to uncertainty in the real -world. In the literature, decision-making models and suppliers\' selection do not often consider inventory management as part of shopping problems. On the other hand, the environmental sustainability of a supply chain depends on the shopping strategy of the supply chain members. The supplier selection plays an important role in the green chain. In this paper, a multi-objective nonlinear integer programming model for selecting a set of supplier considering Stochastic demand is proposed. while the cost of purchasing include the total cost, holding and stock out costs, rejected units, units have been delivered sooner, and total green house gas emissions are minimized, while the obtained total score from the supplier assessment process is maximized. It is assumed, the purchaser provides the different products from the number predetermined supplier to a with Stochastic demand and the uniform probability distribution function. The product price depends on the order quantity for each product line is intended. Multi-objective models using known methods, such as Lp-metric has become an objective function and then uses genetic algorithms and simulated annealing meta-heuristic is solved.
Mustapha Oudani, Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui, Jaouad Boukachour, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
The exponential growth of the flow of goods and passengers, fragility of certain products and the need for the optimization of transport costs impose on carriers to use more and more multimodal transport. In addition, the need for intermodal transport policy has been strongly driven by environmental concerns and to benefit from the combination of different modes of transport to cope with the increased economic competition. This research is mainly concerned with the Intermodal Terminal Location Problem introduced recently in scientific literature which consists to determine a set of potential sites to open and how to route requests to a set of customers through the network while minimizing the total cost of transportation. We begin by presenting a description of the problem. Then, we present a mathematical formulation of the problem and discuss the sense of its constraints. The objective function to minimize is the sum of road costs and railroad combined transportation costs. As the Intermodal Terminal Location Problemproblem is NP-hard, we propose an efficient real coded genetic algorithm for solving the problem. Our solutions are compared to CPLEX and also to the heuristics reported in the literature. Numerical results show that our approach outperforms the other approaches.
Tahereh Poorbagheri, Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki, Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2014)
In this study, a vendor-managed inventory model is developed for a single-vendor multiple-retailer single-warehouse (SV-MR-SV) supply chain problem based on the economic order quantity in which demands are stochastic and follow a uniform probability distribution. In order to reduce holding costs and to help balanced on-hand inventory cost between the vendor and the retailers, it is assumed that all inventory is held at a central warehouse with the lowest cost among the parties. The capacity of the central warehouse is limited. The objective is to find the warehouse replenishment frequency, the vendor\'s replenishment frequency, the order points, and the order quantities of the retailers such that the total inventory cost of the integrated supply chain is minimized. The proposed model is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP); hence, a genetic algorithm (GA) is utilized to solve this NP-hard problem. The parameters of the GA are calibrated using the Taguchi method to find better solutions. Some numerical illustrations are solved at the end to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology and to evaluate the performance of the solution method.
Masoud Rabbani, Mohammad-Javad Ramezankhani, Hamed Farrokhi-Asl, Amir Farshbaf-Geranmayeh, Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2015)
Delivering perishable products to customers as soon as possible and with the minimum cost has been always a challenge for producers and has been emphasized over recent years due to the global market becoming more competitive. In this paper a multi-objective mix integer non-linear programming model is proposed to maximize both profits of a distributer and the total freshness of the several products to be delivered to customers with respect to their demands and with consideration of different soft time windows for each customer, heterogeneous distribution fleet and customer selection option for the distributer. The proposed model is solved with TH method. The two genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm are used to solve large-sized problems. Finally, their results are compared to each other when the optimization software becomes unable of solution representation.
Mohammad Hassan Sebt, Mohammad Reza Afshar, Yagub Alipouri, Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2015)
In this paper, a new genetic algorithm (GA) is presented for solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) with minimization of project makespan as the objective subject to resource and precedence constraints. A random key and the related mode list (ML) representation scheme are used as encoding schemes and the multi-mode serial schedule generation scheme (MSSGS) is considered as the decoding procedure. In this paper, a simple, efficient fitness function is proposed which has better performance compared to the other fitness functions in the literature. Defining a new mutation operator for ML is the other contribution of the current study. Comparing the results of the proposed GA with other approaches using the well-known benchmark sets in PSPLIB validates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to solve the MRCPSP.
Fouad Maliki, Mustapha Anwar Brahami, Mohammed Dahane, Zaki Sari, Volume 3, Issue 2 (8-2016)
A supply chain is a set of facilities connected together in order to provide products to customers. The supply chain is subject to random failures caused by different factors which cause the unavailability of some sites. Given the current economic context, the management of these unavailabilities is becoming a strategic choice to ensure the desired reliability and availability levels of the different supply chain facilities. In this work, we treat two problems related to the field of supply chain, namely the design and unavailabilities management of logistics facilities. Specifically, we consider a stochastic distribution network with consideration of suppliers\' selection, distribution centres location (DCs) decisions and DCs’ unavailabilities management. Two resolution approaches are proposed. The first approach called non-integrated consists on define the optimal supply chain structure using an optimization approach based on genetic algorithms (GA), then to simulate the supply chain performance with the presence of DCs failures. The second approach called integrated approach is to consider the design of the supply chain problem and unavailabilities management of DCs in the same model. Note that, we replace each unavailable DC by performing a reallocation using GA in the two approaches. The obtained results of the two approaches are detailed and compared showing their effectiveness.
Mohammad Mirabi, Nasibeh Shokri, Ahmad Sadeghieh, Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2016)
This paper considers the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time window in which each vehicle starts from a depot and there is no need to return to its primary depot after serving customers. The mathematical model which is developed by new approach aims to minimizing the transportation cost including the travelled distance, the latest and the earliest arrival time penalties. Furthermore, in order to reduce the problem searching space, a novel GA clustering method is developed. Finally, Experiments are run on number problems of varying depots and time window, and customer sizes. The method is compared to two other clustering techniques, fuzzy C means (FCM) and K-means algorithm. Experimental results show the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Masoud Rabbani, Safoura Famil Alamdar, Parisa Famil Alamdar, Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2016)
In this study, a two-objective mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) for multi-product re-entrant flow shop scheduling problem has been designed. As a result, two objectives are considered. One of them is maximization of the production rate and the other is the minimization of processing time. The system has m stations and can process several products in a moment. The re-entrant flow shop scheduling problem is well known as NP-hard problem and its complexity has been discussed by several researchers. Given that NSGA-II algorithm is one of the strongest and most applicable algorithm in solving multi-objective optimization problems, it is used to solve this problem. To increase algorithm performance, Taguchi technique is used to design experiments for algorithm’s parameters. Numerical experiments are proposed to show the efficiency and effectiveness of the model. Finally, the results of NSGA-II are compared with SPEA2 algorithm (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2). The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs significantly better than the SPEA2.
Ali Akbar Hasani, Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2016)
In this paper, a comprehensive model is proposed to design a network for multi-period, multi-echelon, and multi-product inventory controlled the supply chain. Various marketing strategies and guerrilla marketing approaches are considered in the design process under the static competition condition. The goal of the proposed model is to efficiently respond to the customers’ demands in the presence of the pre-existing competitors and the price inelasticity of demands. The proposed optimization model considers multiple objectives that incorporate both market share and total profit of the considered supply chain network, simultaneously. To tackle the proposed multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear programming model, an efficient hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm is developed that incorporates a Taguchi-based non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II and a particle swarm optimization. A variable neighborhood decomposition search is applied to enhance a local search process of the proposed hybrid solution algorithm. Computational results illustrate that the proposed model and solution algorithm are notably efficient in dealing with the competitive pressure by adopting the proper marketing strategies.